The majority of the content on Brilliant Trains is original and has been created by our team. If you wish to use any of it you can do so, provided you give a full attribution link back to us.
Please be advised that we retain full copyright over all original work published on this site and may revoke use at will.
In certain cases we feature work from rail enthusiasts from around the world, under the following conditions:
Fair Use
Brilliant Trains may feature maps, images or other third-party content for educational purposes only! We never sell third-party content unless expressly authorised to do so. Access to this website is 100% free of charge to all users and attribution is always prominently provided to all third-party content creators and are thus deemed to fall under ‘Fair Use’ when used.
We strongly believe that all content creators should get full credit for their work. That’s why, as much as possible, we do our best to provide accurate and clear attribution for all content featured that was not created by us. If you think we have provided any attribution incorrectly please contact us using this form.
We will do our best to fix the issue promptly.
Copyright Violations & DMCA
Finally, we know how much sucks to have something you created put on a website you don’t want it to. Therefore, if you are the original creator of any content see on Brilliant Trains and you’d prefer it no longer appear, simply fill in the contact form here with the subject ‘Content Removal Request’ along with some proof that you are the original content creator.
We will do our best to comply with your request within 7 business days.
We believe this fulfills our obligations under the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) in the UK, Europe, United States and internationally.
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